Creating Success Pathways for Young Adults

Throughout the Texas Gulf Coast region, there is a growing untapped workforce of over 129,000 young adults ready to pursue their education and career ambitions, but also facing big challenges. Known as Opportunity Youth and Young Adults (OYYA), these 16-24 year-olds are disconnected from education and employment during one of the most crucial stages of their lives. Research tells us that during this period of growth, people’s brains develop many of the capabilities required for a flourishing life. What happens in this stage can greatly affect everything moving forward. By working together, we can ensure that the resources and systems available in our region are primed to best support these young adults in their journey.

We build on-ramps to opportunity with and for young adults not currently in school or career-pathway employment. The Greater Houston Opportunity Youth Collaborative (GHOYC) brings together organizations, employers, and young adults to create education and career pathways for the next generation of workers that helps bridge the incredible employment gap facing the Texas Gulf Coast region. We hope you’ll join us.

By fostering a collective effort to educate, collaborate, and establish success pathways, GHOYC aims to empower these budding adults to adjust their trajectory and pursue a successful, satisfying life.

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Learn more about Opportunity Youth and Young Adults

Measure of America (MOA) of the Social Science Research Council is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy and research program. The organization is dedicated to creating easy-to-use, methodologically sound tools for understanding well-being and opportunity in America.

MOA’s 2023 annual report on disconnected youth, “Ensuring an Equitable Recovery: Addressing COVID-19’s Impact on Education,” provides insight into the needs of OYYA, the scale of the issue in our nation, how COVID-19 exacerbated the challenges facing this population, and recommendations on how to address the issue.

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